It would be great if we could all succeed on the first or even fifth try, but for most people, that is not enough. We usually have much more to learn about dieting, nutrition, and what works best for us, before we can succeed. Statistics would tell us that theRead More →

The Atkins Diet is a low-carb, high-protein diet that has been the center of much controversy since it was introduced. Some people swear by it as an effective and safe way to lose weight; while others may lose some weight, but have had what they consider to be negative sideRead More →

Dyslexia can be a very problematic condition that particularly affects a person’s daily living activities. However, it is not one of those well-known conditions like cancer, AIDS, and the likes. To understand how dyslexia affects people, specifically adults, you must first understand what dyslexia is, its causes, severity, and prevalence.Read More →

So many people that are concerned with improving their health over look the health of their liver. The liver is called LIVE -R for a reason. The reason is the liver is involved with digestion and assimilation. It processes nutrients to give life to your body, to repair diseased andRead More →