Natural Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It’s completely natural for a person to feel tired after strenuous physical activity, and usually, after a short period of rest, you should feel as though your energy level is back to normal. If, however, you find yourself feeling tired for seemingly no reason at all and the feeling of exhaustion persists, you may want to visit your doctor in case you are exhibiting signs of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS.

It is still unclear as to what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. Some theories suggest that it is due to a viral infection, mainly because the symptoms associated with CFS are very similar to those of common viral infections such as the flu. For instance, headache, sore throat, muscle aches, and joint pain are some common symptoms. Other symptoms include brain fog, impaired concentration or memory, irritable bowel issues and still feeling unrested after adequate periods of sleep.

So far, no medication or other treatment has yet been developed that can ‘cure’ CFS. Similar to viral infections that do not have a known cure either, the current best practice to conquer chronic fatigue syndrome is to strengthen your immune system by regularly taking vitamins, exercising, and resting as needed.

The following are some helpful tips and home remedies that may help you boost your energy and feel more invigorated.

Eat Natural Foods

Eat raw fruits and vegetables. The vitamins and minerals found in these foods are excellent for strengthening the immune system. Some foods that are beneficial for fighting fatigue are:

Coconut milk
Almond Milk
Sweet Potatoes
Chia Seeds

Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day to help flush out toxins and keep your digestive system functioning properly by taking Acidophilus supplements or eating raw yogurt.

The Importance of Protein in Your Diet

The protein found in meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products contain the complete amino acids that help build muscle and they also help keep your blood sugar stabilized. This is very important for combating chronic fatigue.

Low Impact Exercise

With severe cases of CFS, studies have found that exercise will immediately worsen the symptoms. However, those who are mildly ill, or who are well on the way to recovery, can consider adding exercise back into their daily routine.

When beginning to exercise again, simple stretching movements are recommended. Once this can be tolerated, walking or swimming can be added. When you are able to walk for six or seven minutes without feeling short of breath, you can incorporate low impact exercises such as yoga or “weightless” weight training to strengthen specific sets of muscles.

Most CFS sufferers have fluctuating symptoms from day today. This means if you force yourself to stick to a daily exercise regime, even if it’s only short walks, you may very likely experience a relapse. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you are able to exercise, and when you shouldn’t.

Try Natural Supplements

Herbal medicines that have been found to contain immune system boosting qualities include Echinacea, Goldenseal, and Ginseng root. Taking these supplements on a regular basis is a great way to help support your immune system and protect yourself from CFS.

Herbal therapies are safe, natural, and effective if you allow them time to work and follow directions. Some herbs such as Echinacea are not recommended to be taken more for more than 6 weeks to 8 weeks at a time, so be sure and check with your health practitioner.

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Devil’s Claw are successfully used by many individuals who suffer from joint pain as well.

Taking extra Vitamin C and zinc can help boost your immune system. Taking essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3, 6, and 9 oils, is not only wonderful for your brain and cognitive function but also lubricates your joints from the inside out, making these supplements even more useful if you are experiencing muscle pain and soreness.

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